Trailer Themed Pranks for This April Fool’s Day
by Tom SCelebrating holidays, no matter how silly they are makes life feel more special. Here are a few creative ways to make April Fool’s Day special for the trailer hauler in your life. Let’s start with some ground rules. We support you being funny this April Fool’s Day, and we don’t support hurting any person or damaging any trailers.
Here are some ideas we think fit the bill!
A Kick in the Butt for that Delayed Chore
Do you know for a fact your buddy is delaying replacing his axle? Or worse, his breaks? The time has come to get his rear in gear. Can you get a break kit or axle kit on his breakfast table with a creative “Your April Fool’s Day Plans” poem to go with it?
Do you know for a fact your buddy is delaying replacing his axle? Or worse, his brakes? The time has come to get his rear in gear. Can you get a brake kit or axle kit on his breakfast table with a creative “Your April Fool’s Day Plans” poem to go with it?
“Roses are red
New axles keep you rolling
Get your butt wrenching
I’m not even trolling”
Of course, you can do better. But we want to offer inspiration when we can!
Don’t forget to do a little research. If his trailer has an electric brake, you’ll need to get the right kit.
Move the Trailer to a Surprise Location
This one requires you to know your audience. If he is a guy who gets up at 4am every morning to haul a trailer to work, hiding his trailer is not funny. But if it’s an unused trailer sitting in a large shed he hasn’t opened in months, here’s a little way to have some fun. Grab an extra pair of hands, set the wheels in neutral, and maybe place that trailer behind the shed instead of inside it.
After that, start planting hints. Maybe you have a buddy who needs help hauling something to the junkyard. Maybe you want to finally take an ATV day since the weather has gotten nicer. Do this for a few days before the first. Remember, you don’t have to hide the trailer. You can move it in view as a surprise, too!
Stop the game before he calls the cops! And don’t forget a big April Fool’s Day sign posted on the trailer for the big reveal.
Dress the Trailer for April's Fool Day
Shaving cream and crepe paper can go a long way! The target of your prank could get a long overdue message, or even something as simple as "Happy April Fool's Day!" in their trailer bed. Go extra on the design, after all, your Instagram fans will want a chuckle.
A Kind Prank to Pull
You can replace the part yourself and add a funny note. You can make replacing the part the nice surprise at the end of moving the trailer somewhere new, or dressing it up for the day.
Contact us for More Ideas
We are here with an open ear, a sense of humor, and a lot of trailer experience to offer. Contact us or visit our FAQs.