Prepare your RV for Cold Weather Months
by Tom SIt’s that late October kind of feeling out. Maybe you’re walking through crunchy leaves, cozying up in a chill wind, and delighting in the steam rising from your pumpkin spice latte. But winter is coming, and your RV needs a little bit of prep to be ready.
Let’s talk about how and why to prepare your RV for cold weather.
Take Advantage of the Remaining Nice Days to Work on Your RV
If you need an extra blanket at nighttime, or find you don’t really need to turn on the AC anymore, remember that those perfect, cool, dry days for being outside might be your last chance to work comfortably on your RV for a long time. If you need to do, say, a replacement axle or change the tires, now is the time to do it.
Prepare Your Driving Habits for the Environment to Change
Maybe you live in a state where winter months mean icy roads. Part of your preparation has to come with driving habits. Remember, with sleek roads, you need to plan for far more time to brake than usual. Your visibility could be reduced by snowstorms, or just a grey, sleety, cloudy day. Cultivate responsible driving habits now, and get into the habit of double checking road conditions and weather forecasts. Maybe you can choose better weekends to be out.
Pack the RV for an Unplanned Roadside Stop with Safety Supplies
Extra winter coats. Extra hats and gloves. Maybe a jetboil and some tea bags? Maybe a few granola bars? Road accidents happen all year round. And in winter, they are no joke. Have some blankets in your RV’s storage space for shivering family members. Have a way to get a little lift of energy before you change a flat tire in the cold. Think ahead. It’s darker in these months. The sun sets sooner. You’ll need road flairs, you’ll need reflectors. Old school people say, “when spring starts, begin preparing for winter.” They’re not wrong. But if you didn’t do that, you’re in the majority. So prepare now.
Check out Your Stabilizers & Make Sure They’re Ready
These indispensable tools can take a beating over time. After all, cold weather, year after year, causes metal parts to contract. When they expand in hot weather, they might not fit. Check your winter gear for rust from melted snow, check it for corrosion from road salt and sand. If you need to replace yours, or just feel like having a spare one on hand, check this RV stabilizer out.