Creative Ways to Use a Utility Trailer
by Tom SpencerYou’ve got a trailer. You know you can carry things. But are you really doing everything you could be with your incredible tool?
Let’s explore some creative ways to use your utility trailer. Who knows? One of these ideas may solve the exact problem you have.
Hey, kayaking is tons of fun. It’s easy, and you can do it anywhere with enough water. Kayak lovers know owning is better than renting, but when you own you have to solve storage challenges. Sure, you might have the right type of roof rack on your car, but then again, you might not. But what if you have friends who want to bring their own kayak and paddle board to the trip, too?
You can very easily create a kayak rack with some simple metal and PVC piping and pipe fittings. This will let you bring kayaks for you and your friends anywhere you want to go.
You want to be ready for football season, and that means preparing any time of year. You can become a tailgate hero by simply converting your utility trailer into a sports bar. All you need to do is fasten a bar to the center of your trailer and get yourself a canopy, too. Drill bar benches to the floor. Add some TVs if you really want to take the tailgate to the next level. Don’t forget your team flags!
This one could make you money whether you’re musically gifted or not. Either you can perform or you can rent your utility trailer to local acts as a mobile concert stage! With a quick awning, two lights, and a PA system you can offer a show anywhere you go. This little setup lets you host live music in almost any outdoor venue.
Ask The Trailer Parts Outlet Your Questions About Utility Trailers
We love to help our customers with their trailers. If you have questions about how to make your utility trailer into any of these projects, give us a call. Check out our website for trailers, parts, and more.