5 Different Ways to Use Your Utility Trailer
by Tom SUtility trailer. Utility is right in the name, so let’s talk about different ways to use this wonderful piece of gear. After all, sometimes the limits of what you get out of it are more in your mind than anywhere else. Here at The Trailer Parts Outlet, we have seen trailers used for every kind of purpose you can think of. So let’s learn a little bit about that.
1. Make a Little Cash or New Friends
Everybody needs a trailer. That’s not the same thing as saying everyone needs a trailer all the time, but all people have a time in their life when they need a trailer.
- They want to move
- They want to remove a ton of yard waste
- They want some old furniture moved
- They want a cheaper delivery option for an item too big for their car
- They want their bikes and surfboards at the beach more easily
- You get the idea!
So when you’re the guy with the utility trailer, you can always pick up a little extra cash. Or even some new friends.
2. Bring Your Dirtbikes, ATVs, Ski Gear, Surfboards & More Where they Need to Be
Your beach bikes and surfboards need a good way to get to the beach. You don’t want all those wetsuits in your cab. You need to get a few ATVs and a bucket of helmets out to the trail. Your boat needs to go to the lake. I mean, there are just too many uses of the trailer to name them all. But basically, outdoor rec is easier when you have a utility trailer, and easier means more fun! You don’t want everyone all frustrated that they can’t do what they really came out for.
3. Get a Big Outdoor Project Done Quickly
Now you’ve done it. You’ve volunteered to help the neighbor’s kid with his Eagle Scout project. He’s building a bridge over a local brook. What does he need? Everything. Post diggers, concrete, pressure treated lumber. Laser levels, plumb bobs, power tools, and lamps. Not to mention protective helmets, work gloves, and more. Oh, and pizza & waters for the other volunteers.
Who’s going to tow it all to the worksite? Probably the local utility trailer guy.
4. Move to a New House Affordably
Moving companies can be challenging. They’re in high demand, making them expensive, and cumbersome to schedule. They have so many rules to learn and follow. But a friend with a trusty trailer can bring at least a couple of rooms worth of personal items in the bed. Pick a nice day without too much rain or snow, and remember, whoever you helped owes you one.
5. Move Farm Animals
Got a coup of chickens to move? Or a couple of goats? Or some sheep? Or pigs? These common farm animals often need to be moved for some reason or another. The trailer is a great way to do it.
Ask The Trailer Parts Outlet for More Ideas
We’ve seen it all here when it comes to ways to use utility trailers. If you need guidance or even more ideas, go ahead and give us a chat or ring.